

Me. Rukmini Das. 1986 born. Am pseudo-creative. Mega Hanson fan. I still buy CD’s. Want Rs. 1 crore to spend within 24 hours. Hate mosquitoes. I want to be able to keep my room clean for more than 36 hours. Am addicted to mint. Absolutely love Dairy Milk slash any chocolate.. Specially when somebody gives it to me. People think I’m too motherly. I’m scared I’ll kill my children out of frustration. Don’t understand hip-hop music. Hate Vh1 for showing Hip-Hop all day long. I orgasm to good food and to good music. Make a lot of noise while eating. Love fruity things. Chocolate, lemon and (any)berry being my favourite flavours. Am scared of fashion. Want to own nice pretty clothes. And shoes. And bags. And earrings. I want a nice haircut that doesn’t look crap after 5 days. Don’t understand why people “type lyk dis”. “Mah skool iz lyk rokinnnn!!!!” And also people who “tYpE lYk dIs”, “I hV2 ToK 2u”. (Isn’t it really time consuming to make every alternate alphabet in capitals?) I hate making polite conversations with people. I love talking on the phone all night long. I like deep serious conversations. My temper is horrible. I scream, slap, kick, hit, scratch when I’m angry. I hate fake people. I’m fake 40% of the times. I prefer sitting around and talking to clubbing in a loud noisy place. Can’t dance to save my life. Get high really fast. Am allergic to MSG, I think. Think “All That Love Crap” isn’t really that bad. The song and the reality. Am a moody bitch. Think sober is better than hyper. I love using the 😛 smiley. Am ultra-lazy. Think Nirupama is the best best-friend ever. I love the colour Pink. I love pastel colours. I love drawing butterflys. I can’t draw. Am not musical at all. Think hugs are the most comforting and the warmest gesture anyone can show. People think I get very physical because I hug alot. I like going for agenda-less long “walkie talkies”.  Unless the agenda involves eating. Lately, my life revolves around eating and food. I want to able to read one book a day. These days I’d be happy to read one page a day. Want to use my brain more. Think humans are overrated. Dogs are much better. They are so loyal and unconditional. I miss Ruff like crazy. Still think there can be no other dog in the world as amazingly good and sweet and human like. Think cats are yucky. Feel bad for people who are scared of dogs. They will never know what true love is. I’m scared my blogging habit will fade fast.

Read On…

One response to “Aami

  1. actually u kknoee this is a nice short and simple and sweet blog.. and keep on the good work wid all the gud cartoons u make on sachi…I love them… make a ffew more crazy creative toons on her face,,.. they were infact are gr8.. and u knoe a request teach me also how to do this.. that wud be really kind of u..

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